Ever wonder how some paranormal teams get their name? Known throughout the south as one of the premier paranomal teams The Bench Breaking Broads have made quite a name for themsleves. With their hands on style of investiagting, to their indepth history search of each location they investigatem, to their ability to debunk, they have led the way in paranmormal research. It is our honor to have them investigate with us and our guests for a full and fun night of ghost hunting.
Named after an incedent that occurred right here at OSPH, these ladies have become known as The Bench Breaking Broads. Just a few ladies taking a scientific approach at investigating. During their investiagtion of the lengenadry OSPH these ladies stopped to take a break, sitting on an old bench here at the hospital, the sound of wood cracking as the bench broke sending the ladies on their butts to the ground below them....right then they knew what they had to do....they had to call themselves.....The Bench Breaking Broads.....and the rest became history.
Join us as we investigate the legendary South Pittsburg Hospital in South Pittsburg Tennessee.
Our location has been featured on Destination Fear, Kindred Spirits, Paranormal Challenge and Haunted Hospitals just to name a few. Our location has claims of babies crying, full body apparitions, disembodied voices, shadow people and many more super natural phenomena. While we can’t guarantee an experience, your chances are very good as these phenomena happen on the daily.
Spend the night at one of the most haunted locations in America with a twist. Bring your own gear, bring your friend and face your fears of the unknown. 3 different time alloments are available for every budget. Spend up to 8 hours if your fear will let you. OSPH is famous for full body apartions, shawdow figures, diembodied voices, class a evps, and the occasion touch, will this be the night OSPH makes you a believer in all things paranormal?
Don't have your own equipment or never done this before? No problem our staff will be stationed throughout the builidng to answer questions, help you get started on your own investiagtion or you can join them, sit back, watch and listen as the paranormal happens around you. Seasoned investigator? Go off on your own and explore this amazing location.
No Refunds
All Times are Cental Time zone
Check in is at 6pm. 6pm to 7pm walk through, introduction of hospital and history, rules of investigation
7pm Investiagtion begins
Group 1 from 6pm to 10pm
Group 2 from 6pm to Midnight
Group 3 from 6pm to 2am
Please bring your cameras, voices recorders and equipment if you like. Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on premises, if we see it, smell it, or have any suspicions you are under the influence you will be asked to leave and refunds will not be given. Due to the limited availability of our events there are no refunds; all sales are final. Children between the ages of 14-18 must be accompanied by an adult or legal guardian. We do allow filming of our event with the exception of the history and introduction portion of the event, absolutely no edited footage is allowed to be downloaded to any social media